Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

The Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA), located in Scottsdale, Arizona area, is a beacon of modern creativity, design, and architecture. Established in 1999, SMoCA is dedicated to the art, architecture, and design of our time. Striving to engage the public with thought-provoking, diverse, and stimulating exhibitions and events, SMoCA has become a cornerstone of Scottsdale's vibrant arts scene.

The museum's architecture itself is a testament to contemporary design. It is housed in a minimalist building that was once a movie theater, which was repurposed by architect Will Bruder. The museum's design reflects its mission, with its clean lines and open spaces providing a perfect backdrop for the art it houses.

SMoCA's exhibits are diverse and ever-changing, featuring works from both local and international artists. These exhibits encompass a wide range of mediums, from painting and sculpture to digital art and installation. This diversity ensures that there is always something new and exciting for visitors to explore.

In addition to its exhibits, SMoCA also hosts a variety of programs and events. These include artist talks, workshops, and educational programs, providing visitors with the opportunity to engage with contemporary art in a more interactive and personal way.

The museum also features an outdoor sculpture garden, providing a serene space for visitors to relax and reflect. This space showcases a variety of contemporary sculptures, further enhancing the museum's commitment to promoting and supporting contemporary art.

In conclusion, the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art is more than just a museum. It is a dynamic and interactive space that brings contemporary art, design, and architecture to the forefront. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a casual visitor, SMoCA offers a unique and engaging experience that challenges perceptions and inspires imagination.

Scottsdale Center For The Performing Arts